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Bodybuilding and Weight Lifting - Building Muscle With Fitness Workout Routines and Training Exercises for a Strong, Ripped Physique

4.6 ( 1216 ratings )
Справочники Книги
Разработчик Thomas Hansen

Whether youre looking to get big, strong or just improve your physical conditioning, weve got the answers to all your questions. Discover how you can improve your body with weight training with the Bodybuilding and Weight Lifting uKnowMo app.

Learn all about:
● The science behind weight lifting
● Exercises to help you build the physique you want
● What we can do to optimize our gains
● Advanced techniques to keep the muscle stimulated
● Commonly asked questions such as "Can fat turn into muscle", or "How do I gain muscle and lose fat"
● Preventing serious injuries in the gym
● The best strategies to pack on lean muscle mass
● Popular supplements and if they actually work
● And much more!

If youre looking to discover something new, just shake your phone on the selection page and our app will present you with something new to learn!

Compare your strength against the standards with our Strength Calculator portion. Find out your one rep max and how it compares to others in your weight class based on training experience.


uKnowMo provides reader apps for those who are looking for information on specific subjects. All information provided is owned by uKnowMo unless directly stated otherwise. The information contained within is provided on an as is basis, and in no event shall uKnowMo be held liable for any direct, incidental, consequential or indirect damages arising out of your access or use of this application. No information contained within should be used as advice, whether medical or otherwise, and a professional should be always be consulted if the situation involves health.

We do our best to provide you with the most enjoyable user experience and the best information we can give you. Enjoy!